“What a couple of knuckleheads cutting that trail. Anyone that skis backcountry in NE knows the best open powder skiing is under the massive crowns of very mature trees. Any opening made whether natural or man made quickly fills with light and becomes over-choked with bushes, berries, and shrubs making it impassable. They ruined a great spot to say nothing of our reputations as stewards of mountain ecology.” -- Dickie Hall, Founder of the North American Telemark Organization
Over the course of the summer of 2007 an illegal ski trail was cut on Big Jay. Big Jay is considered a gem not only by the Northeastern backcountry skiing community, but also by Vermont naturalists. It is one of only two major peaks in Vermont which have had little or no development on them, and the only one sitting in the middle of a relatively large roadless area. It's habitat for a number of species that are scarce in the Northeast including Bicknell's Thrush , Canada Lynx, Spruce Grouse, Fishers & Pine Martens. The Big Jay Restoration Project seeks to stabilize the soil and replant the cut in order to help the process of returning the area to its natural state.
GMC Jay Restoration Page
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